Monday 18 July 2011

History = sleepytime

our 3 lessons of history today were really boring. Our teacher basically set us an independent assignment during lesson time to be worked on but it only took 30 mins and we were given an hour to do it, then our second lesson teacher didn't even show up, even more free time. Problem was, there was nothing to do apart from play hangman with words from our curriculum. Coming back home I decided to finish off my kick-ass presentation on Japanese etymology which looks amazing right now, its got some funky pictures with some subtle fade-in animations and stuff... and some great text written by me... I'm not selling it too well here but it looks cool.

I'm still not sure why I decided to watch The Spirit of the Beehive and I honestly could have lived without seeing it. It's one of those films that reviewers gingerly say 'It's brillient' or 'A masterpeice' when absolutely nothing happens whatsoever throughout its whole 97 minutes. It was like a lullaby and I was seriously dropping off about half-way through, it was just dull and tedious to sit through despite one or two decent shots. Feeling mildly unsatisfied with my film viewing today I turned to some short films which were miles better than what I had just seen. Vinnie Pukh was really awesome as it's a Russian adaptation of the Winnie the Pooh books, if that doesn't already sound amazing then there is something wrong with you. Today's highlight goes to a little film called La Maison en Petits Cubes which was really great, it was charming, creative and emotional, if you have 11 minutes to spare then don't think about it twice:

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