Thursday 3 November 2011

Money goes out...

Mark and I were looking at the props we needed for our film coursework, Mark has agreed to pay £20 after I also put in the money in for our new camera (which looks awesome) so tomorrow we are going to the bank so I can take out a fat wad of cash (£83) for the benefit of Cafe Studios, this seems a lot to me considering I am not employed anywhere at the moment, and my contribution actually sounds miserly after Mark is paying over £500 for our new camera, damn my general lack of money when I need it.

I was really disappointed with Belle De Jour today after seeing it in Ebert's The Great Movies I was very eager to see this, but you know a film isn't keeping your interest when you keep looking at the clock and 95 minutes feels like Gone With the Wind. It was just nonsensical at times, the dream sequences added nothing, I didn't understand the protagonists motivation or eventual aims and I actually didn't like Catherine Deneuve's performance or character. Avoid this one in my opinion.

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