Monday, 23 June 2014

The Piano

Recovery day number two. More sitting around and watching films basically. Watched 'The Piano' after having a massive pub lunch with my Brother and Granny so I felt very stuffed and sleepy while watching and it's slow pace didn't help much. Although technically it was a very impressive film with an awful lot of talent behind it I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't know who to care for. None of the three characters were presented in a very interesting way, Holly Hunter's character showed a lot of promise at the beginning but her actions and motives became increasingly nonsensical in the worst possible way. I guess I didn't get it, nothing about the story made an impression or caused me to feel emotion, which is ironically quite sad.

1 comment:

  1. Man I watched that movie and I hate it so much!
    It just plainly bad.
