Thursday 22 January 2015

When to go to Bed

Mum came down to Bournemouth to take me out for a coffee and a bite to eat. I also told her that recently I've been having a bit of difficulty sleeping, not because of stress or coldness but we simply deduced that I was over-tired by the time my head hit the pillow. As she dropped me off at the uni for editing I told her I would be getting some early nights in soon. Sadly I wasn't able to keep my word on that commitment due to the folly of technology.

My camera group gathered in the editing suites at 1pm sharp for our final day of working on our cut. I was mostly moral support until 8pm where I finally got the chance to do my audio mix and editing which went really well. Everyone else started heading home at this point so it was just me and my director working together into the wee hours of the night. We got a coffee (for free) a bit later and eventually we were ready to export at 1:30am. Each time we attempted to shoot off a copy however it got to the 99% completion point and then spat out a error message. The cavalry arrived a bit later and we spent the next few hours sorting out the seemingly invisible technical issue. We all went a little bit crazy in that small room while we were all together, but eventually at the fresh time of 7:55am all was sorted and I could go home and have a well deserved rest.

Taken at 6:48 this morning. Looks like we are trying out for the cover of Clerks.

Man I crashed when I got back. I treated today as a recovery day and accomplished very little beyond revitalizing myself.

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