Wednesday, 5 August 2015

NI Nightmare

Lumping through another day's work and came home to a big hoo-ha about the location of my NI card. This has often been a sticky point with my family as I have been notoriously cack-handed with my national insurance number. I tried texting Mum and Dad to ask about its whereabouts but since both of them are in Belgium at the moment I didn't really expect a response. To my surprise, Mum responded, she is also relatively new to phones and texting so the general meaning of every message is garbled. Despite this Mum told me that for some inexplicable reason, Dad took my national insurance card to Belgium with him.

About 5 texts later Mum was becoming more and more vague with her messages and I was getting nowhere fast. I couldn't for the life of me think why he would have my card with him. Luckily Dad called me back and told me that Mum was severely mis-informed and told me exactly where to find it; crisis averted.

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