Wednesday, 11 November 2015

'What's my Palette?'

Over our reading week we were all asked to go away and construct a micro presentation about 'what inspires us.' We could bring in a picture, song, film or anything that inspires us and fuels our creativity. While I couldn't actually show mine during the seminar because we ran out of time, i would have probably shown off this screen from the Truman Show.

I still don't really know why, but this moment from the film always blows me away. I think there is something hauntingly simple, yet irresistibly wondrous about this moment and this image in particular. The entire final scene of the film is pitch perfect and we get a real sense of what the character has gone through his whole life, and now everything he believes in will be put to the ultimate test - for whatever reason, that inspires me. And I know on a subconscious level, this moment has also inspired Louis. most notably here in his illustration titled 'In a Corner of the Universe.'

Guess we both perhaps just watched The Truman Show at a very impressionable age. Either way I think it's just a stunning image and something that makes me grin everytime I see it.

I think the beard is gradually moving out of it's awkward phase and settling into something a little more appealing. It has now surpassed the maximum amount of hair I've ever let my face grow so anywhere beyond here will be a learning experience.

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