Monday, 7 March 2016

Back to the Mockingbird

From Bristol back to Bournemouth in one day. Rebecca and I took the long trip back home with a quick viewing of To Kill A Mockingbird in between. A film that still baffles me with its quality, especially considering how it nails the tone and feeling of the book despite there being only a two year gap between the release of the book and film. This would make it the third time I've seen the film, this marks the first time seeing it after reading the book and once again I loved it.

Started my housemate off on Metal Gear Solid 3 now so I am watching him muddle his way through that one. Watching other people play games is always fascinating to me as no two people go about things the same way. That being said, James tends to take the escapist/roleplay element a little too far. In a game about stealth and sneaking, he forces himself to become one with nature and instantly kills himself if he's spotted by the enemy. I just press on if that happens, but he has to keep everything kosher before he's ready to continue. Just interesting seeing people's mannerisms when it come to games sometimes.

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