Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Experimental Short Cuts are Dreadful

Best editing session yet. Went in with my actual editor today and she loved the project, she's actually one of the first people I'd actually shown footage to and I'm glad she instantly got it and knew exactly how to make it better. We both have a good interest in comedy too so chatting about where to make the edit is often more a case of asking 'How can we make this funnier' and I'm loving that vibe. As it stands, we are ripping through the edit now as screws are being tightened constantly and quickly so once again, my hopes are getting higher and higher for the end of the project.

Rebecca and I went out after my work was done to celebrate Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day. Basically they give out a free scoop of ice cream to anyone and everyone on this day every year, and naturally we, as students, decided to take advantage of that situation. Walked into town and had a stroll along the beach, I then had the brilliant idea of walking home via an experimental route and ended up doubling our walking distance. We were both knackered once we got home and right now, I am eyeing up my bed for some serious snooze time.

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