Saturday, 7 January 2017

Rogue One

Seeing as my work made an advert for it, it felt only right to go and see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. And it wasn't too shabby. The plot is nestled just before A New Hope and explains how the rebels figure out how to destroy the Death Star, while that sounds a little thin at first, its actually done quite well. This is largely thanks to the new ensemble of characters which end up being likeable even though none of them have appeared in another Star Wars film. Its curious then that the film doesn't take more time out to spend with them, its sets them all up almost like a pseudo Guardians of the Galexy, but never quite follows through with a solid team dynamic.

In fact, overall the film struggles to find purpose for the first hour. There's nothing that truely takes us from one scene to the next and nothing immediately at stake to anchor the experience. That said, it really picks up in the final act though as it does eventually find its feet and deliver some classic Star Wars action.

A lot of people might be saying that this is the dark and gritty Star Wars film. If you go in expecting that, you will be sorely dissapointed. Its still a fun-loving adventure film through and through, rather it has a lot less camp than other films in the franchise.

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