Monday, 13 February 2017

Golden Age of YouTube

Tasked with researching the UK's top YouTubers at work today. I actually deemed it to be a rather depressing read, all the people that I vaguely remembered being YouTube stars back in the day have either fizzled out, or mostly do vlogs now. In their stead, they have been replaced by a new wave of lifestyle vloggers and people loosely connected to Zoella. I have entirely resigned myself to the fact that I am too old for these kind of shows anyway, but their content is so vapid. At least TomSka and others tried writing and performing sketches, even if they weren't always funny they put the effort in, now all people do is talk about their craaaazy existence and rehash the same tired tropes over and over. I didn't realise how good we had it five years ago.

And yes, the irony of me only writing about my life in a self important blog is not entirely lost on me here. At least I hope I'm not as bad as them.

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