Thursday, 18 May 2017

Manhattan, Once More

Called up the most chipper sounding first aider I've ever heard. I was head hunting for a trained first aider and came across 'Mark the Medic.' If you check out his website you'll see a photo of a very smiley man in his full gear - eager to make a good impression. I called him up to get a quote on a single filming day and he burst into a flurry of excitement. 'Oh, a filming project!' He declared. Bless him, he must have felt so valued at that point because he stumbled over his words to ask me about the dates and details. It broke my heart when he quoted for a fairly larger sum than the last company I called so I don't think we'll be using him. But Mark, if your out there, keep up the good work.

Been waiting all week to watch Manhattan again in the Cinema's. Rebecca and I made a mental note of it about a month ago, and after it cropped up in Mark Kermode's podcast, the excitement hit  climax. The version we saw was an upscaled 4K edition and it looked beautiful on the big screen. Gordon Willis' cinematography always looked stunning, but this time around you could breathe on every detail. You all know my love for this film by now, so I won't bore you. But I will say that the audience was great too. Bristol's Watershed was packed out and we all shared the laughs. For me, this was the definitive viewing of this film and I'm really glad I could share it with Rebecca and Louis.

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