Sunday, 13 August 2017


Trekker down to Bournemouth and ended the night watching Okja, Netflix's proudest feature film to date. Its a film with a loaded environmental message about a Korean girl and her hybrid wonder pig, its being threatened to get taken away and she fights for it to come back home, rather than heading to the slaughterhouse.

On a bad day, I would probably say the film targeted the core Netflix audience of millenials from the beginning and was preachy for the sake of sounding intelligent. In reality, it didn't add anything new to the conversation of animal rights, gave a quick spit shine the subject.

Several character were also irritating and badly written. Jake Gyllenhaal, I love you man, but your character here was diabolical. At least he looked like he was having fun.

On a good day though, I would say the relationship between the girl and the pig did eventually win me over, but it took a long time for that to happen. Hard time really recommending this one unless it really sounds like your cuppa.

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