Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Snotty Work

My attempts to be more productive today were very nearly thwarted by my runny nose. I took off to the library without taking a hit of my hay fever nose-spray so I paid the price. I was sniffing and snorting for a fair old while before my worrisome side got the better of me and I decided to evacuate before my street cred with strangers was damaged any further. I left but ended up sending off an application shortly after, then a bit later I got a phonecall following up a CV I dropped to ITV about a days filming in Cardiff so I might be on the cards for that this weekend.

I also got a sudden burst of creative energy in that I got an idea for yet another video I wanted to do for Eyebrow Owl. I want to try and be a little more disciplined and speedy with my writing, my off the cuff stance often reads with a bit more personality than the stuff I try to polish to a mirror shine so I set myself a brief. I decided to play an indie game to completion and write a review of it as quickly as I could. So now I've got a recording of an entire play-through of Last Day of June followed by 75% of a review done for it. Not bad for a Tuesday.

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