Saturday, 23 February 2019

Childhood Distilled

Ran in the Newbury Parkrun with both Dad and Louis today, first time we'd all run together properly like that so it was pretty cool. I got a nice time too of around 31 minutes which was my usual standard - good to know I haven't gotten any worse over the years.

The mass clear-out of my bedroom followed the run and even Mum admitted I did a pretty good job. Went through several boxes full of old toys and odd bits and filled up two large bin bags full of stuff, gradually distilling my childhood into half of one box. I was being pretty ruthless overall, I noticed that every time I stopped to really think about something I'd start to have second thoughts, I begun artificially projecting nostalgia onto tat, but I powered through and feel all the better for it. Obviously there were some things that were a little harder to chuck out, some things did hold a place in my heart but I just have no need for them now. Got a little more to do tomorrow but I got through the majority of it this afternoon, got the stuffed toys to do tomorrow and that's going to be the hardest part.  

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