Sunday, 2 June 2019

Clean Brew

Getting up early on a weekend morning is the best, it's just nice to rise and shine with the rest of the world, take it easy and enjoy a nice breakfast at a leisurely pace. That and it gave me the chance to play Smash Brothers for a fair while before work, I was actually getting so invested in fighting random people online that I noticed I was starting to sweat rather badly, so much so I had to hop in the shower again before work - didn't want to get into the cafe smelling like a champion.

Rebecca's back from her little stint away in London, in other words, the bach pad had to go sharpish. Once dinner was over I hurriedly washed plates and wiped surfaces to give her back her living space. Not only did she return to a semi-clean flat but also a gorgeous jug of cold brew coffee which came out way better than I had hoped. Everyone online always raves about the stuff and now I understand why! Naturally sweet but still full bodied, its perfect on hot days like we've had over the weekend.

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