Wednesday, 16 September 2020


Another busy one today, a lot of urgent business to complete arrived and disapeared just as quick. This close to shoot I guess that's to be expected, just gotta keep going until we start rolling!

The final portion of the day pitted me against something that, a month ago, would have scarred me witless. I had to go pick up a van from a rental place and drive it across Bristol. Specifically, I got to drive one of these:


Gear box in the dash, no rear view mirror and three seats in the cabin - let's go. Thankfully, the depot was located basically in a rural lay-by so there was a stretch I could get a feel for the car. Only stalled it 4 times trying to get into second gear. Once that bit of road was over, it was time to merge onto a 40mph dual carriageway... That was the sweatiest part, but afterwards it was pretty smooth sailing. Now I know what it feels like to drive a tractor too, since I was taking my time, I accumulated a fair old conga line of miffed drivers who all had to march to my beat. When you're in a Luton Van you're king of the jungle, but I still got a mite nervous everytime I revved the engine.

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