Sunday, 23 May 2021

Silly Dreams

Usually if I wake up at 10am that means I've had a nice lie in, but I slept so restlessly last night that I think I actually just needed the shut-eye to get my allotted hours of sleep. Bizarrely I was having anxiety dreams about something I thought I'd forgotten to do at work. I never full woke up though to address the problem though so I just woke up, worried, then went back to sleep, repeat. It was only hours later after I woke up a bit more fully around 4am I realized the thing I worried about didn't even exist. Not only wasn't it my department, the thing literally never happened, nor will happen. I was so ticked off when I noticed that, but the moment my brain called it out, I slept like a baby.

So I had a leisurely morning before driving back to Devon in the mid-afternoon. My goodness, the drive felt long today. Middle lane hoggers, broken down lorries in the middle of the road and long, unwarranted stretches of 40mph bit made a long journey feel endless. Once I got into my cottage though I felt like I was home. I've decompressed fully and I'm ready to hit tomorrow running. Fingers crossed I don't dream of anything stupid again.

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