Friday, 10 September 2021

Crepe Check

I didn't fully believe the crepe van existed until I saw it parking up with my own eyes. For 48 hours I was incredibly anxious whether it would turn up an deliver on it's promise (the lead actress wanted it so it added extra pressure). But there it was, at the golden hour of mid afternoon. As people stood in line for Nutella pancakes I stood like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, and admired my handiwork. The crew loved it too and I was over the moon. I gave the pancake people a little tour of set afterwards as my way of saying 'thank you' and they were bowled over by the collective manpower it takes to get things filmed. 

We wrapped on Block 1, or the first half of my filming time on this project. I even produced a multitude of beers for the shooting crew to mark the occasion. The. We all hit the pub, and later a nightclub. I technically wrang in my Birthday in the company of crewmates while dancing to Whitney Houston... That's another thing ticked off the bucket list.

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