Saturday, 26 March 2022

Sunbeam Crawl

 Bid farewell to Rebecca who went for a weekend jaunt with her family, meaning it was just me and the cat today. Over the last few days we've both learnt what times the patches of sunlight trickle into each room and together we go on a 'Sunbram Crawl', mostly she sleeps while I busy myself with games or films. She is incredibly sleepy during the day but once she's had her dinner she's got a new lease on life... That's when I get dozy though so it never quite lines up for the better. Well, it might after tomorrow once the clocks do their thing. An hour less in bed... Hurts just thinking about it, but we reap the benefits in 6 months time. I'm still secretly waiting for daylight saving to be abolished just some we can tell future generations about how as a nation we all collectively wound our clocks back and forth an hour - they'll all think we're pulling their legs.

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