Monday, 20 June 2022

In a Ditch

Rose from my bed a little earlier than I would have liked but used the time to enjoy a civil breakfast. In classic fashion though the phone started ringing pretty quickly and there was last minute taxis to book to and from the middle of nowhere. So we put that fire out, next was driving to town to pick up cake and flowers for the birthday of a well regarded member of crew, a job I did gladly on my day off anms no one has a bad birthday on my watch. 

Shortly after returning from a long drive I quickly remembered a job we may have dropped the ball on regarding buying our Canadian cast members some groceries. I panicked because I also forgot it was a Sunday when all the shops closed early. Once again I was hoofing it down the road. At one point I spotted a car that needed to pass me way in the distance so I did the courteous thing and let them pass me. I pulled into the side of the road and straight into a ditch though! One of my tires was free spinning and I was going nowhere fast. Hilariously I got into the pickle right outside of the only house for miles around and they very kindly offered to give me a push. I got back on the road and arrived at the supermarket with moments until they closed - the whole thing was very touch and go but everything went smoothly in the end.

Then it was back to deliver the cake to the Birthday crew member which was delightful. Because they are a head chaperone they were staying with all the cast members, so me, the cast and the other chaperones all huddled in the conservatory lighting candles before singing the customary song. She was touched by our efforts and I even got an email from the Producer thanking me for going the extra mile today. Even on my day off I'm a busy bee, but a genuinely grateful team makes it all worthwhile.

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