Sunday, 4 December 2022

The Polar Express

Christmas is about being thankful for everything across the year leading up to the big day. For me, I'm thankful for all the petty cash I got to spend on filming jobs and claim the points back on Tesco's club card. Rebecca and I saundered into the Supermarket, placed a chocolate orange and a bottle of Bailey's, port and advocaat in our basket. Ended up only paying £3 for it all! 

I did also purchase all the ingredients to try my hand at mince pies once again. I'd been burnt by Mary Berry's recipe too many times now so I set my sights on a new one I found online. The results were a marked improvement, though the pastry still lacked that buttery quality that I drool over. I'm taking the leftovers into the office tomorrow to surprise my colleagues, hopefully they won't scrutinize them as much as I do.

I'm also trying to see a few Christmas films that have slipped through the cracks this year, The Polar Express being at the mountaintop of my list for a few years now. Right off the bat it's easy to mock how poorly the facial animation has aged, and indeed many emotional beats were lost on me because my brain couldn't quite unpick what expression was meant to be conveyed at times. But the visuals themselves hold up really well and brought me into the world and the story, I deed I was more charmed by it that I had expected. The breadcrumb themeing of beliving in the spirit of Christmas was sincere, overstepping only gently into mawkish territory. Luckily, I am a huge sap so it generally worked for me. It's a great example of a film where you can point to it's flaws with laser precision, but it's heart is in such a good place it's hard to stay mad at it.

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