Welcome to the blog written by Theo Durrant, graduate of Bournemouth University and an all-round good chap. Keep up to date with his day-to-day ramblings and follow the latest news from Cafe Studios team.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Shoot Start Scramble
Monday, 27 February 2023
The Big Read-through
Groan, 4:30am rolls around quicker than I expected. Still I jolted out of bed and onto a train up to the big smoke - our big read-through was today and I did my damnedest arranging tables, pouring waters and lugging pastries around the place. I rubbed shoulders with the stars and listened to them re-enact the entire of the first few episodes. I shook hands with a few of them and made my face known to all the right people so it was smiles all round. In fact, that's a jolly good way of putting this day. I was so stressed out about it last night but once we emerged from it me and my coordinator were flooded with praise. Even my producer shot me a personal thank you message for all my hard work. Though it was like planning a mini wedding, it was worth it for all the happy faces.
Sunday, 26 February 2023
Sunday Inbox
With our big read-through tomorrow I tried my best to decompress a little bit before the big day. I had a bit of writing to get done for Louis' so I stowed myself away in the dining room and pecked away at some lines at a leisurely pace. This was tragically cut short after my producer got in touch to ask if I could rearrange the floorplan for tomorrow's read-through. So I got to reshuffle 100 people, only using my gut to move a few of them around. It wasn't perfect, but in fairness they didn't expect too much on Sunday lunchtime from me. My woes pail in comparison to our travel and accommodation coordinator who spent the entire weekend sending out emails and making train & taxi arrangements for all 100 attendees. The last email I saw from them came out at half 6 this evening... I feel so bad for them.
My train up to London is at the ripe old time of 5:47am tomorrow. I've packed my bags already so I don't have to worry about anything frivolous, but I can't help shake the feeling that something is going to go wrong tomorrow. I honestly think I'm just stressing needlessly as I know I have a fab team to help me out, I just don't want to drop the ball in front of the big wigs.
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Writing Bash
Friday, 24 February 2023
Pastries at Sunrise
I was buying pastries before sunrise - hungry mouths to feed for those in attendance of the final day of recces. While everyone was out of the office I reshuffed a meeting room and prepped the Production meeting for 40 attendees, plus food ,drinks and coffees. I can't hog all the glory through as even Rebecca helped me out by offering up her laptop for our Zoom call - this meant I could crack on with my own workload while the grown ups chatted about the important things. Once the meeting adjourned I was back to my desk quickly prepping for our Read-through on Monday, stated late again to get it all done and dusted and hopefully people will sense the hard work me and my team put in.
Or rather, they won't notice. The Curse of Production is only getting noticed when things go wrong, otherwise we're just invisible.
Thursday, 23 February 2023
Swirling, Swirling
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
Time and Money Poor
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Baps and Coffee
Midnight Oil
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Church of Potato Confit
Though we didn't do anything for Valentine's day, I did announce to Rebecca that I booked a table at our favorite weekend breakfast spot. So we donned our Sunday best and went to the church of the vegetarian fry up (with added halloumi). I booked a table for their opening hour which was the right call because for the whole time we were there we had the place to ourselves. Such a rare joy when that happens.
Mark is finally all done and dusted with his London job that consumed his life so Dan and I celebrated with some games. Been a long time coming but we saddled up and played Overwatch as if it were 2016 all over again. I perhaps played one round too many as I felt myself rushing around to keep our final social engagement: Louis and Rachel who were popping round for dinner. Since bake off and Smash Bros has winded down there's been little excuse to hang out as much, but we always enjoy each other's company so over Rebecca's apple crumble we talked our how our brains work while we read and how similar to our parents we are emerging to be.
Saturday, 18 February 2023
Women Talking
With an entire free Saturday staring us in the face, Rebecca and I decided to head to the Watershed to catch a new film. Women Talking recently released, so we fought through the rain and staked out claim on the last good seats in the house. While the subject matter of the film is entirely commendable and the set up was intriguing, all goodwill gradually drained from me as the dialogue was like wading through treacle. In an attempt for characters to sound deep and profound about religion they just go off in soliloquy, making fuzzy statements that often go on uncommented on by other characters. The narration too was so emphatic it ended up not saying anything at all. The pacing and writing reminded me more of theatre, which I very often don't mind, but here it just made everything feel a little disingenuous. It culminated in a film that means very well (and again, fair play to it for attempting to deal with a sensitive topic), but it was an often exacerbating watch. I wish I enjoyed it more.
Friday, 17 February 2023
The Fixer
I think I'm earning a reputation with my team as a bit of a fixer. I get the curveball often but more recently I've been asked a few more bizzare requests. Midway through one job I was suddenly asked if I could source a big old safe to have in the studio for Monday. Kinda bewildered by the request, I dived into Google, made a phonecall and 15 minutes later I had one reserved. I'd never done that before but it was hilariously rewarding to smash out a request like that... Maybe I am a fixer?
Once the day was over I immediately shot back out again - the board game art gallery nights are back on now. Once I got there it was just me and the owner, and for the rest of the evening it stayed that way. But that was OK! We got round to playing some games that were a little out there that they were keen to try and I got to sample a couple of new ones to me. Was nice that I was remembered too! It's been around 9 months since I was last there but it was like old times heading back in tonight.
Thursday, 16 February 2023
Movie Myths
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Heck Yes
While driving in I got the call. Our Line Producer left her glasses at work, could I go and get them? Heck yes I can. Drop off the glasses, an hour later our PM is hungry - can I got get him a cooked breakfast? Heck yes I can. Drop them off a bacon and sausage baguette, a little later I take it upon myself to look at camping, director style chairs and sources some that were cheap as chips. Can I buy them? Heck yes I could... But we need sign off from the producer as they may want to get fancy ones with people's names on the backs (you know, the ones like you see in the movies). I've never seen them used unironically but I guess we'll see what the consensus is soon. Lot of little jobs like this keep me occupied and keep the team happy. Since there are stresses aplenty at the moment it's good to keep the mood warm.
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Baps for Hire
I really am the food guy. I emailed a local greasy spoon about helping us out with some catering options for next week's recces and got an alarmingly helpful and personable response. Their contact details were passed on by a colleague and that saved me a lot of cold calling - this is none of our first rodeos so the shared pool of knowledge we have is immensely useful. To return the favour I headed out to check out the apartment belonging to our director before they check in. I didn't realize the place had a balcony view overlooking the centre of Bristol! I made a small excuse to check the scenery and I was blown away by it. I never thought in a million years I'd be looking down on the very spot I used to eat my lunch on many moons ago, how far I've come...
Monday, 13 February 2023
Cheers from my Peers
Oof, I was put through the prep wringer. My curveball request was very a super specific memory card for our DOP who needed to shoot a camera test. I researched it, found a local camera house and collected what the manufacturer assured me was the right card. Guess what... It wasn't. Cue a mad rush across town back to the shop before it closed, all the while getting phonecalls from people all asking for various things and tech support. Worst part was our DOP managed to work around the issue while I was driving - good for us, but I was running around like a madman for almost no reason.
So the day was ropey. But this evening was Overwatch Monday - the weekly games night with Louis and company. Historically we do appallingly badly matches, but tonight we were in an unstoppable winning high, the likes of which I've never seen. Morale was through the roof and everyone was having a grand old time. Just at the end of our final game I landed an incredibly hype play the elicited cheers from my peers. From being the office punching bag to knocking it out of the park in the virtual world - a reversal that saved the day.
Sunday, 12 February 2023
Costanza Coffee
Did 'The Walk' with Rebecca's parents - the traditional Sunday morning stroll up and down Bristol's harbourside. For me it acted as the perfect excuse to get another coffee from Little Victories, the long black I got from there last week was so good I simply had to go back for seconds... Even if it meant going to a different cafe than the rest of my group and effectively George Costanza'ing myself in the process.
After waving Rebecca Folks goodbye it was back to the sofa for for well-deserved R&R. I sat at my computer ready to dive into some games but it struck me that I actually didn't have anything I wanted to play. I have things releasing on the not-so-distant horizon, but in this very moment I find myself at odds with what I could be enjoying. This is a predicament I have found myself in more and more the older I get now, perhaps I just need some time away from games before getting back into them.
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Friday, 10 February 2023
King of Cake
Only one big job remained before my week could end: arrange a Birthday cake for our Line Producer. That would have been easier had our site's wifi not totally bricked itself. The IT technician taught me how to fix it so I became the internet guru on demand. When. I wasn't troubleshooting laptops I really was arranging cakes. I have a regular place for exactly this and once again they were able to help me deliver a greatly appreciated Birthday surprise.
Thursday, 9 February 2023
Back Row to the Starts
Rebecca didn't even stir when I woke up at 5:45, all so I could go and collect pastries for our big meeting today. Plenty of hoo-ha was made in the run up to everything, but it all went off without a hitch. I was on standby to make tea and to act as tech support, this meant I got back-row tickets to the entire meeting to see how our creative team pitches to executives - extremely well as it turns out. Listening to them talk about the project in detail got me jazzed to be working on this one all over again. But the real beat part of the day was scrounging leftovers from the catering team - everyone else also agrees that was the day's highlight.
Wednesday, 8 February 2023
Perfect Planner
Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Knuckling Down
Gears are noticibly shifting upwards at work as all the departments are scrambling to get all their prep done. We have a slew of big meetings and recces coming up that all require the combined efforts of the whole of my team - it's a sprint towards the marathon and we are all praying we will get over to the other side. My to do list for tomorrow is pretty massive, all in preparation for another meeting with the head honchos on Thursday, we set the bar high last week so we just have to keep up the good work. I'm starting to value my home time a heck of a lot more as a result, there I can veg out and spend real time with the people I love. Plenty of people get married to their work, but I hope I'm achieving a good balance.
Monday, 6 February 2023
The Fablemans
Rebecca woke up early with me so she could unwrap her Birthday presents with some company. I got her a book plus a clamping reading light she can mount onto the headboard of our bed (really it was a gift for me so I can sleep while she reads). I had to dash off for a frustrating day at the office, but that made coming back home all the sweeter. We headed out for a Birthday Pho and a movie at the Watershed - all of Rebecca's favourite things in one day!
We saw The Fablemans which is a hilariously unmarketable movie about the life of Steven Spielberg. It's opening shot starts with all the sentimental schmaltz you come to expect but then it very quickly decides it's tone is going to be one of forced reality, where people try to lie to themselves as long as possible before having to face the music. There's some fun and charming home movie making but the film wisely never nods and winks to the camera about Spielberg's future - there's no big sharks which someone points to and says 'wow that's scary'. It was enjoyable but I'm in no rush to rewatch it thanks to some odd pacing and slightly overlong run time. It's thankfully not a John Lewis Christmas ad about Spielberg's life though, and once you appreciate the direction it takes you'll be enchanted by it.
Sunday, 5 February 2023
Wheeler Dealers
First time for everything: today Rebecca and I went to a car dealerships so she could test drive a prospective vehicle. I expected us to turn up and start chatting to an old school dealer before they got interrupted by the hot-shot salesman who doesn't wear a necktie. I wanted to witness some inter-dealer conflict and pick who I wanted to go to the prom with. Instead, all the salesmen wore cardigans and we're more interested in talking about GDPR legislation. Rebecca got a kick out of the test drive though, it was just nice to be in a car without worrying about the price of petrol.
The Sunday blues hit me fairly hard tonight. The prospect of returning to work doesn't daunt me really but once you've had a taste of freedom you just want to binge it.