Monday, 6 February 2023

The Fablemans

Rebecca woke up early with me so she could unwrap her Birthday presents with some company. I got her a book plus a clamping reading light she can mount onto the headboard of our bed (really it was a gift for me so I can sleep while she reads). I had to dash off for a frustrating day at the office, but that made coming back home all the sweeter. We headed out for a Birthday Pho and a movie at the Watershed - all of Rebecca's favourite things in one day!

We saw The Fablemans which is a hilariously unmarketable movie about the life of Steven Spielberg. It's opening shot starts with all the sentimental schmaltz you come to expect but then it very quickly decides it's tone is going to be one of forced reality, where people try to lie to themselves as long as possible before having to face the music. There's some fun and charming home movie making but the film wisely never nods and winks to the camera about Spielberg's future - there's no big sharks which someone points to and says 'wow that's scary'. It was enjoyable but I'm in no rush to rewatch it thanks to some odd pacing and slightly overlong run time. It's thankfully not a John Lewis Christmas ad about Spielberg's life though, and once you appreciate the direction it takes you'll be enchanted by it.

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