Saturday, 2 September 2023


This was the first Saturday in recent memory where it felt like I didn't wake up with that signiture exhaustion hangover. I whipped up porridge while feeling fresh as a daisy, even Rebecca noticed the difference in my demeanour. We made the most of a slopey Saturday, doing errands at first but then migrated towards chillaxing. For National Cinema day we booked a pair of cheap seats to see Scrapper, the latest British Indie darling that is worthy of most of the praise it's received. It does try to have some cake and eat it though when it comes to tone, it carries a cineme verite quality for the most part but every now and then it tries to do something a little stylish, evocative of a young Danny Boyle or Edgar Wright flick. Sometimes these work well, but more often than not they provide tonal whiplash, making it tricky to emotionally fall back into step when the scene changes mood. That's my only gripe though, otherwise it's solid 'Best of British' film which is exactly as long as it needs to be.

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