Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Bye Bake Off

Made it my business to call up our internet provider to tell them I was thinking of ending things. Virgin have just been a bit naff as it turns out. A side-grade from PlusNet that never quite blew our socks off. They always give the company empathy the role of damage control when you're telling them your leaving. The softly spoken Scottish chap who tenderly asks if there's anything they can do that'll make you change you mind. It's not me, it's you I tell them. Upshot is we got new blood coming in soon™, another service provider, another agreeable startup deal for switching and more hopes that our wifi reaches the bathroom so I can watch YouTube on the toilet. 

The Bake Off final was also tonight. Louis and Rachel swung by like clockwork as we shared the TV license to see the winner crowned. Always a little sad once our annual ritual comes to a close. I'll be putting my home baking skills on ice now (until I do mince pies again in December). As the Christmas ads begun pouring in during the breaks and bake off goes off air, then I know that Autumn has drawn to an end.

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