Monday, 28 February 2011


Woke up this morning, 'Your SIM card has been rejected,' crap, now I need to get another one. Fortunately it just turns out that the local mast was knocked down by a bulldozer, I don't need to buy a new SIM! Unfortunately it also caused a really badly timed cock-up:

As me and Mark were leaving school waiting for his Mum to pick us up, our mutual friend Jack Curry (The pie guy) came up to us and asked to help him carry his wok to his car; I've had stranger requests so gracefully I obliged. It was 5 minutes later that we arrived at his car, he had just passed his driving test and offered me a lift back to my lift. I neglect to mention that Mark's mum doesn't like waiting and that by the time Jack and I pulled up they we just leaving. Jack was such a lovely chap that he drove me home shortly after, I re-payed him with a bit of bubbaloo I revived from Josh after tasking him with buying me the cheapest thing in the shop so all was well.

Came home to watch 2 films : Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which was very good, amusing lines and some satire made it hilarious and had one of the best street dancing scenes I've seen. I also watched Franklyn which was good and full of those deep meaning thingies but arguably lacked some character development and felt a little bit unnecessarily cryptic at times; but if your into that kinda thing as well as some good art direction then check it out.

Right, bed.

1 comment:

  1. We weren't leaving, we were driving round to find you ;)
