Friday 18 February 2011

Half term is here!

Finally, the much awaited break has arrived, a whole week to do whatever I like... better start lounging now then since I have nothing better to do. Finished my mock exams also, came home at 12 today, felt like a champ, had a quiet film Friday today as Dan accidentally told everyone else that it was off, watched 4 Lions again which is always a good laugh and overall had a good evening.

I woke up at 2 in the morning, not sure why at first, then I noticed that I had lost all feeling in my right arm; I must have been lying on it too hard. Had to physically pick up my own arm to get it working again, not a good feeling I can ensure you! Weekend is here, hopefully I will get a lie in Sunday morning to recharge my batteries, I need the rest as my face is starting to look like an extra from Night of the Living Dead... Have a good one!

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