Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Batman and Burgers

We decided to make home-made burger this evening as a house. This notion got me tremendously excited as I love making burgers my own and I've always wanted to create one from scratch. We really gave it our all as well and went all out on ingredients - beef, chicken, bacon - you name it, we had it. I was quite shocked when my housemate rolled out the burger meat not into typical paddies, but rather into tennis ball sized blobs. They took ages to cook but were totally worth it for the flavour.

After chowing down on possibly the biggest burger of my eating career we settled into watching some Batman films. But not the live action kind, but rather the animated sort. Since one of my housemates is doing his dissertation on masculinity and Batman we figured it would be suitable to fill our evening with a bit of the Bat. Honestly, I was very surprised with how decent these films were in terms of exploring the character, even within the confines of a children's animation.

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