Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Fajita Fail

I would call Iron Man 2 a disappointing sequel. I thought the first film had some slight pacing issues and had some very intermittent action scenes, I can forgive the first film somewhat because it did need to set up the scene and the character. Now with the second installment I was ready to jump into some old fashioned action but it never really came. In fact, barely anything interesting truly happens with the characters until about 3/4 of the way through, but at that point the damage had already been done. The villian was about as menacing and shallow as a puddle - Mickey Rourke was a good casting choice but his writing and development really made him a missed opportunity. A good sequel should build on the foundations and aim to be a successor, Iron Man 2 felt like a placeholder.

Thought I would do my darnedest and cook Rebecca and her housemate a very original student meal of chicken fajitas. Seeing at it was the first time using the hob and any of utensils in their house I was bound to make some mistakes. First being the classic smoke detector going off since I overheated the oil in the pan - lesson learnt there. The second being using a pan way too small to fit in all the ingredients, I do love a challenge though and I tend to get quite stubborn when I want to see something through to the end, half-cooked onions be damned. Rebecca intervened and helped me scoop the mix into a deeper pan and we all had a good laugh at my expense.     

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