Sunday, 11 October 2015

Bournemouth's Festival of Light

This logbook is seriously dull. The entire thing reads like one of those mock interview questionaires you can print out. My writing feels like I am trying to convince myself that I learned something. Whatever makes the uni happy I suppose.

As a small break from logbook writing I went into town with Rebecca and company to experience Bournemouth's stab at a festival of light. At first it seemed rather pretty and promising, there were little balloons all lit up along the Lower Gardens. Upon closer inspection, we found a lot of people gathering around the stream to wait for the cascade of lights that were headed our way. In reality, a sizable cluster of barely illuminated water balloons flowed downstream to meet us. they were pretty for a few moments, but after that you really wanted something a bit more, it was a bit of a let down but a trip to Weatherspoons healed that wound.

Just walked in on my housemates all chilling and enjoying 'Ex On the Beach,' one of those glittery reality shows about people who look like gods sculpted them but are totally messed up in the head. I quickly decided before the first advert break that the show wasn't for me.

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