Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Happy 5th Birthday to The Blog!

Cor... Has it really been five years? I really do know I say this every year, but it does sometimes feel like yesterday when I first wrote an entry on this very blog. Thank you for all those who try to tune in everyday. Without your views then this little endevour of mine might not quite seem worth the while, but every time I check the viewer counter next to a post it puts a tiny smile on my face.

To celebrate this momentous occasion I will announce that I will be fully tackling 'No Shave November' next month. Just as I did 5 years ago, I shall not shave for 30 days and provide photos of my glorious (and eventually hairy) mug to document the progress of the beard. Now that I have actually come out of puberty I reckon it will be a lot better than the one I tried to grow when I was 17.

Gosh, this is what I considered the pinnacle of manly achievement when I was 17. I really want to slap my past self sometimes.

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