Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Heavy Turkey?

Woke up to an emergency set of instructions. I had to dash into town with Louis to pick up the Christmas turkey and tidy up the house pretty sharpish. The tidying was fine, waking Louis up was a little tougher but in the end, we didn't really need him. Dad framed the turkey to be this colossal mass of meat that would need two grown men to carry back home. In reality, the bird was lighter than what I'm used to carrying to uni on a regular basis.

Grandparents came down as I was chopping wood for the fire. Cutting down larger blocks of wood into smaller bits certainly gets me some man points, although it was a lot harder to do than I originally expected - my fire-making skills certainly need work.

I also discovered that I have managed to purchase a present for Louis that he already owns. Turns out his girlfriend bought it for him for his Birthday so I felt like a right muppet. Luckily I think I can still get him something in time for Christmas.

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