Tuesday 1 December 2015

No Shave Novermber 2015!

And now for the update on the beard, as documented over the past month. I present to you, the final photo of beard development throughout a very informative 30 days.

Very pleased with this level of growth. A few years after doing my first 'No Shave November' I had always intended on revisiting the challenge just to see how well I could fees-ably grow a beard. However I always had some kind of naff excuse as to why I couldn't commit that year. Regardless of my excuse I was always genuinely worried that I couldn't grow a legitimate beard. 

Take a look at the me from 5 years ago to the day.

Yep... that was with 30 days growth. The-times-they-are-a-changing.

But moving away from the cringe fodder, I have the one gif that no-one has been waiting for! A time-lapse of me growing my beard compiled from every photo since posted on this blog this year:

Now that that No Shave November is out of the way we can finally begin celebrating a real cause: Christmas!
Went out today and deck the halls with all kinds of Christmas gaff, I think we did a nice job too. The tree especially really ties the room together and makes the whole venue look a lot more cosy, and its somewhere to put all our secret Santa presents.

Speaking of presents, tomorrow I will be uploading my uni short film about a man in love with an orange. Consider it an early Christmas gift from me.

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