Monday, 20 June 2016


My attempt to go to bed early backfired somewhat last night as I had an exceptionally restless night. I kept waking up repeatedly and somehow woke up more exhausted than I would have liked. Regardless, today was my 'ticking off jobs' day, and I am happy to say that I handed in an expenses claim for my graduate film so I should be getting a bit of dollar back for that. I also saw Deadpool before my other housemates woke up and once again, I have to say that it is nice to get back into the swing of watching films again.

Deadpool was a rather enjoyable superhero film about a foul-mouthed mercenary who is out for revenge. While generally funny, It's jokes are very pop-culture heavy and are aging by the minute. That said, the personality of the characters do shine through the occasionally flat jokes. It's more serious side was also handled quite well and added another dimension typically absent from the other superhero films out there at the moment which was a little refreshing.

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