Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Left the Heating On

It was hot in Bournemouth today, uncomfortably hot. Woke up with a parched throat and a desperate need to shed my duvet. My housemate, in his infinite wisdom, decided to also leave the heating on all of last night so my room was like a sauna when I woke up, and even now, it hasn't properly cooled off.

Found myself suckered into completing the final chapter of the Witcher games too. Blood and Wine marked the end of my time with Geralt, and it was a bittersweet send off. About a year ago I decided to give the first game a proper visit and I am immensely glad I did. It kick started my love for the character and the world and now its a little sad knowing that it is basically all over now. Need to get my hands on the second book now.

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