Thursday, 28 September 2017

End of September Pie

Morning was spent shooting off the application form I spent the past week perfecting. Felt good after I sent it off but I was hit with this horrible wave of uncertainty. All I could do was sit on the sofa and stare into space as I pawed over what I needed to accomplish next to get me closer to earning a job, and feeling like I spent the day well.

Respite suddenly reared its head however, as a college from an old filming job shared a Facebook link with me about a local company needing a Technical Assistant for edit jobs. The post had no details about how to formally apply, so I sent them a private message expressing my enthusiasm and desire to apply. They then said I should drop them a CV to their personal email address, which I did right away. What I didn't expect to do was write the single greatest covering email I have ever written to go alongside it. I just whipped on up in half an hour and sent it over... Don't know why the hell that last one took me a whole week to 'perfect,' when this spontaneous one was pretty spot on. Regardless I sent that off and had a spring in my step for the rest of the day.

Made Sheppard's Pie for dinner tonight. Haven't made one since we went to France so I was eager to make it good. Had to pop to ASDA to get some extra bits, but after that I cracked on with the cooking. Felt a bit more appropriate to cook the pie now that the temperature has dropped a bit too. Hang on...

My phone just went off with an email about the CV, they want to meet me for a chat tomorrow.

Holy cow.

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