Sunday, 7 January 2018

A Whole New Bathroom

Slow start to the day, I successfully hooked Rebecca on Picross so she was playing that for most of the morning. Mum came round later to sort put the state of our bathroom. It had nasty blobs of mould growing on the sealant around the bathtub, but Mum put an end to that with a Stanley knife and a bottle of Viakal. She worked her socks off and the whole bathroom sparkles as a result, we couldn't thank her enough after she was finished, but hopefully the bacon, brie and cranberry sandwich I whipped up for lunch was enough.

Met up with Rebecca's friends later again for board games and Pass the Bomb! A game I'd always seen, but never played properly. Turned out to be a real winner and I look forward to being able to play it again.

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