Saturday, 20 January 2018

Date Day, Plus Coco

As I'm heading away for a week for filming soon, I decided to have a 'date day' for me and Rebecca. Started off with some buttermilk pancakes, never made buttermilk before but apparently all it is is milk cultivated with a bit of lemon. Every fiber of my being told me not to mix those two together, but it turned out just fine- Rebecca reckons they are some of the best pancakes I've ever made!

Much later on we headed out to see Pixar's latest film: Coco which was absolutely splendid. It's been a while since I've seen a film that felt so considered, the world of the dead felt alive (pun somewhat intended) and it's rules and laws paved the way for clever little plot avenues that raised the stakes of the main plot. Nothing was wasted, every line, shot and character has it's own purpose and added something of value to the film - from a writing perspective the film ticks a lot of boxes.

It's central themes of death and family are also dealt with really well too, for all it's jokes and energy, the film slows down at just the right moments to let things sink in. If I had to pitch it to a board meeting I'd say it was 'Spirited Away meets Corpse Bride' but I think that still does it a little bit of disservice as it stand proudly on it's own as an excellent animated film and a return to glory for Pixar.

Basically, it was a great date film. And to seal the deal, Rebecca and I went out for dinner. Very successful date day and a good send off for me before heading to London tomorrow.

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