Monday, 26 March 2018

Interviewing All Sorts

Back in the Camden studios for a handful of green screen interviews. Anyone who ever bought a green screen cloth and had a play around with it when they were younger (looking at you Mark) would know that it cannot have ANY creases in the material for the effect to work. Since I'm bottom of the food chain, that meant I spent the morning steaming out the kinks of a very large green screen cloth. No bother though, it satisfied whatever fraction of OCD I have.

Our interviewees ranged from feminists, political scientists and even a member of the BNP. All walks of life on this show! Could have been a bit of a mission today, but as usual, the crew all pulled through to smash it out and we ended up having a really good day.

Spotted this action shot of me in Nottingham last week with a bunch of pigeons. This is my 'please be in our show' face I put on for the general public, would you trust it?

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