Thursday, 15 March 2018

Lidl to the Rescue!

Spray painting was in my agenda today, specifically a medieval helmet that we needed in white. Luckily, I have plenty of experience from my BB gun days, so spraying down a helmet shouldn't have in theory been too hard, bought some masking tape too so I could bind up all the gold detailing on the mask and preserve it. This is where it all went horribly wrong though. The paint pooled inside the masking tape and after I peeled it all off it left these awful looking white globs all over the golden bits and it basically ruined the whole prop. I spent the next hour trying fruitlessly to rectify it by peeling off bits of paint with my nails.

I took it back home with me to ponder over, but I was just about ready to give up on it. Matt and I went out to Lidl to buy some dinner and we decided to look through their fun little tat aisle, and lo and behold, they had some metallic permanent markers in gold! Lidl to the rescue! Took it home to give the helmet and face-lift and boy, using that pen though was like doing Photoshop in real life, absolute miracle worker.

Really pleased with the loom of it now, kinda like a guilded Storm Trooper helmet:

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