Saturday, 2 June 2018

Speedy Interview

Haven't had a job interview for a little while so I was a little nervous going down to London today to apply to be a runner for A League of Their Own. I was a few roads away from their offices writing up some notes on how to best sell myself and I was about to strike my esteem-boosting Superman pose when Alex Haddon, my old housemate, bumped into me. Crazy coincidence that and chatting with him made me feel much more at ease.

When it came to the actual interview it was over in a literal heartbeat. I would say the whole thing lasted just over five minutes. They had my CV printed off and I took them through what I did super recently and they seemed pretty happy overall. Just a bit peculiar how quick the whole thing was.

Figured I was going to spend a lot of time traveling today so I tried to do something to fill that time and a good book always does me well on long journeys. I packed Rebecca's copy of Animal Farm, I noticed it was only 100 pages long and I thought I'd make a big dent in it, instead I read the whole thing in one sitting - really enjoyed it. Sure the analogy is a little transparent, but I didn't mind, it was like experiencing Russian political history in fast forward and having studies the rise and fall of Communism at A-Level, I had a vested interest.

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