Sunday, 9 September 2018

Beacon Hill Tourist

Seeing as I'm now a Downtown Abbey convert I thought it would be nice to go up Beacon Hill with Mum and Rebecca. In lieu of binoculars I had to bring along one of my BB gun sniper scopes, everyone was mocking me as I bundled it into the car, but they weren't laughing when they all wanted a go with it to see the castle up close. We even got a bit lucky with our timing since an antique plane flight pass went over us while we were on the hill. So on top of some great views we saw a handful of biplanes - pretty neat!

Met up with Daniel and Jamie too since they were both in town. Dan was eager to play a bit of Bloodborne which made for surprisingly good viewing, we all acted as backseat gamers while he struggled to deal with a host of Victorian zombies. We rounded off the evening with a game of Dixit which is always great and a roast dinner. Shortly after the main course was done with Mum and Dad came out with a cake and sung Happy Birthday to me since I won't see too much of them tomorrow. The cake is always a tradition I enjoy though and it was lovely to spend just a few days back in Newbury.

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