Wednesday 12 December 2018

Cross about Croissants

Battled my way through the 6th day of work on the trot now, the closing down procedure is now burnt into my brain and I already can't wait to not dismantle an orange juicer tomorrow. One perk if closing the shop is getting a goodie bag full of cakes and pastries, seeing as our new manager is learning the ropes on how much stock we need to take out, I've been coming hone with a lot of treats. So much so that Rebecca had to have a little intervention and tell me to stop bring home croissants (very middle class thing to complain about). I was about to fight my corner, but when she pointed out we had nearly a dozen stale pastries sitting in the fridge I had a bit of a Gordon Ramsey Kitchen Nightmares moment where I had to swallow my pride.

Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow though!

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