Monday, 26 August 2019

Travel Boredom < Home Boredom

Dull, dull dull. That was my day. Suffered through perhaps the slowest work day ever, we were literally inventing jobs to jeep ourselves busy. I was secretly hoping I'd be sent home early, and I was but only by 20 minutes - longest 9 hours of my life. Once I got home I quickly packed and did some more video editing before I was back in another coach to London. I wrestled with sleep the whole way there and finished my book in the first quarter hour of the journey. By the time I made it to Rebecca's parent's house I was shattered but only because I'd been bored out if my skull. Funnily enough I made a mini vow to myself to strive to be bored more often, but travel boredom is different to home boredom, you just get antsy on a coach and especially when someone is sat next to you, you feel very judged when you do anything. Just wanted the journey to end, but it was worth the wait since I was treated to a beer and a scotch as soon as I arrived with Rebecca's folks.

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