Saturday, 5 October 2019

Happy 9th Birthday to the Blog!

So here we are, standing at 9 years of blogging and I find myself lost for words. So much has happened in my life over those years and it's bizarre to think that they've been chronicled here in some capacity. To me, writing a short blog post before bed has practically become second nature, in fact, I get a bit restless if I ever miss a post, its become a part of my daily routine and whenever I think about this blog in earnest it makes me immensely proud that it's continued for this long. Once again, I'd love to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's kept up with the blog for all these years, your readership means the world to me and it's forever a humbling experience to hear anyone say to me that they enjoyed one of my recent posts. Thank you all again for your continued reading and here's to making it up to 10 years!

In stark contrast to the last house we put an offer on, Rebecca and I found somewhere we both truly considered to be a dream house. Mum came around for the viewing and even she agreed that it was a great little home. Giddy with excitement, Rebecca and I put an offer in late this afternoon and crossed our fingers and our toes that we get accepted. Funny to think that on the Blog's Birthday another life-milestone may be in the works.

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