Thursday, 21 November 2019

Got my Digits?

Locked myself in the Wildseed offices to finish up a video script that has been bugging me for ages now. I've spent far too long working on this one and I don't think it'll benefit from any longer in the over so I just want to get it done so I can focus on other projects. I think I've finished it up, might just need a proof-read and final edits but I think it's good to go.

Almost got locked out of my own block of flats today too. The door code got changed but out letting agents failed to give us the new number in time so I had to sneak into the building like a rat. Once home, I made a heated phonecall to them saying it was unacceptable that they hadn't told us the code and that they left me out in the cold and rain - they buckled pretty quickly after that despite initially saying they didn't have the new code. Frankly they've been pretty dreadful letting agents anyhow but this was the tipping point for me. As much as I like our flat, I'm glad we'll be rid of them soon.

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