Saturday, 30 November 2019

Los Angeles, November 2019

Chopped through the cafe crowds with gusto. It felt like I was still in 'filming mode' so I ended up Assistant Director'ing my shift, pointing my colleges in the right direction so we could crack through the queue as fast as possible.

Rebecca and I met up shortly after to have a second look at the house we're looking to buy. Took a tape measure too so we could get an idea of where we could squeeze our furniture, there's a good space allocated for my desk so I'm pleased as punch.

Returning home we got ready for a movie night with Louis, Rachel and Pete. The original Blade Runner was the movie of choice since it's set in November of 2019 (yes, we truly picked the last possible day to watch it in the month) I always remember the first time I saw the film I was totally lukewarm on it, but now, I'm blown away by every tiny detail. In terms of art direction this film is a masterclass, just the scale and the vision behind this project is staggering, it left me aghast even after a 4th or 5th re-watch. 

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