Tuesday, 28 January 2020

A Handyman

After a blissful lie-in I headed to the house for a day choc-full of IKEA furniture building. Built a Lauters (standing lamp) and a Gamleby (dining table + 4 chairs), that one really took some time on account of me stripping the one screw that held the whole thing together. Some gentle handiwork resolved the problem but it was a little touch-and-go.

To christen the new dining table I popped round to the local bakery which is less than 3 minutes away on foot. Though their coffee machine was down for the day I discovered they do dangerously delicious brownies for a very agreeable price.

Buzzing after the brownie I finished the furniture building and did a lil' bit of unpacking to kill time before our washing machine got delivered. I waited all day and it never turned up. Called their support line and they were almost more horrified than I was to hear the driver didn't show. We rescheduled the whole thing and I got £20 in compensation - my clothes can literally afford to smell for a few more days.

Finally, I drew my attention to putting up the curtains. Mum and Dad very generously lent me their mason drill, a tool I wasn't even allowed to look at while growing up was now revving in my hands. I've never used a mason drill before, nor had I ever put up a curtain rod so I was sweating bullets when I plunged the drill-bit into the wall, eternally marking our new home. Luckily, I did all my measurements beforehand, squaring up the corners first meant the final result looked the part. Most importantly, the curtains can do their function which means that tonight is going to be our very first night in the house. It's going to feel a little odd waking up here for the first time (especially since I've got a 5am trudge to work tomorrow morning) but I'm excited all the same.

As long as no-one tried to break in while we sleep I can rest easy. Any burglars that do come knocking will get a face-full of a mason drill.

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