Saturday, 17 October 2020

Book Barn

Big day in the great outdoors for me today. Rebecca has long wanted to visit the Book Barn, an international book selling warehouse with a fun reputation. Pictures online make it look like a weird and wonderful looking library - right up Rebecca's alley. When we got there though, the charm wore off the moment I realised it was effectively just a really big Oxfam bookstore, with an inexplicably unwhelming selection of books. Rebecca seldom leaves any bookshop without picking up a little something, but we left empty handed...

Still, we had bigger fish to fry. The Book Barn is located on the outskirts of the Mendips so we looked up a good hike to go on and just did it. In just over three hours we did it all. Saw every farm animal, walked through a cow and sheep field, crossed muddy paths, shallow streams and went through more kissing gates than I'd care to count. We were planning on taking a cheeky shortcut at one point, but a dog that belonged to a passing hiker got alarmingly territorial and literally blocked our way forward. So we took the scenic (and muddy) route back. The magic of the walk waned in the final half hour though and all we wanted to do was get home and cradle a cup of coffee.  

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