Thursday, 22 October 2020

Stepping On Once Again

Strapped my running belt on and headed into the fray. Though I was sold a hellish day full of screaming school kids, the day actually went pretty well. There were 5 runners total so everything just went like clockwork, I daresay I was getting a small buzz off being back on set too. Though it was undoubtedly busy, it was good work and nice to be amidst the crew I only ever otherwise chat with over email.

Also, I was blessed today with a chance encounter for the books. Just flippantly I headed towards set to check on some bits and I spotted a courier was knocking around, dropping bits and pieces off. I went up to check if there was anything for us and it was an old colleague from Coffee #1! We had a super brief chat and did the little covid-friendly elbow bump, but I was just smitten with how small this world feels sometimes. 

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